Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On truth-tellers

Lying seems related to not having power. When one possesses superior military power one tends to lie less. This was Nietzsche's psychology, the will to power as the cause of the lie, which included morality for Nietzsche. I think he should have distinguished between unnatural non-evolutionary morality and natural evolutionary morality.

In very ancient Indo-European culture it seems that power was originally in the warrior caste but was later transferred to priest Brahmans (unless they could manage divine twin leadership). This was probably dangerous for the truth, yet was part of maturing civilization. Diplomats became great liars depending on the power possessed by who they represented.

Nietzsche talked of the affirmative power of Old Testament Judaism and the Koran of Islam as being “religions for men” with contempt for the sentimental and “woman's religion” of Christianity, the religion of the oppressed. Nietzsche didn't seem to see that all the great religions ultimately divert attention to the non-material Involutionary Inward God. What would Nietzsche have thought of the non-ascetic Evolutionary Outward Path of theological materialism, which transforms the Inward Path to the material Outward Path of evolution without extirpating the Inward Path?

Can there be truthful courage in the face of not having power? It takes intellectual and physical courage to speak truth to power, it even seems to approach masochism if speaking the truth damages one, and when one can hurt the very people one wants to help, at least in the shorter term.

Truth-tellers are special people and these are the people I want to study, in any field, assuming we can recognize them, since they are usually ahead of their times. I want to pay attention to what is natural and not counterfeit-natural. It seems that either the truth is paramount for people and culture or it withers away. I want to get on with the true and natural evolution of life to real supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos.

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