Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ethnopluralism and chaos theory

If we take Ray Audette's ingenious comparison of mathematical chaos theory to the human diet and then hypothetically apply it to political philosophy we can find that ethnopluralism is the initial political system best suited to human nature, with the most predicable and healthy results. A ball placed on a hill may roll into any surrounding valley depending on, among other things, slight differences in the initial position, which supposedly can be predicted with very precise mathematics. When we change the initial variables with political behavior not suited to our still existing original  human nature, which was developed largely in hunter-gatherer times, we get unhealthy, random and unpredictable results.

Audette's diet research found that the original variables of our diet, which can predict the optimum health for human beings, was a diet rich in proteins and fat (good fats not modern fats) and low in carbohydrates. This diet has been more scientifically validated with the Paleolithic diet of Dr Loren Cordain and others. When we changed our diet in the Neolithic age to a high carbohydrate diet low in protein and fat then human health began to deteriorate, and this deterioration continues today, the random modern diet so different from the initial diet cannot predict good health.

Hypothetically applying this theory to human nature and human social and political philosophy, we find that the original variables of human nature, developed largely in hunter-gather times, included being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This led to a general ethnopluralism in the world, with the healthiest possible predicable results, because it related to real human nature, the initial condition, the initial variables of mankind. New political structures introduced which went against the initial variables, such as supposedly strictly egalitarian communism, led to the unhealthy, unpredictable results we see today.

Ethnopluralism of course does not mean there will be no competition between peoples, but it gives us the best chance at having predicable cooperative competition between different people, because we are working with real human nature and the initial variables of human behavior. Such practical political structures as light federalism can help keep the peace between small states. This also happens to be the best social structure for continuing our evolution, with variety.

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