Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The rich versus poor world of the neoconservatives

Supporting the fairness of meritocracy, with people becoming wealthy due to their own talents, does not mean that we must approve of the lobbying success of the top one percent in using their billions to drastically reduce the incomes of the average person. You know the figures, since the 1970's income for the top one percent grew over 300 % while the average person stayed the same or fell, and manufacturing was closed down in America with the middle class disappearing. The idea is to pay people as little as you can get away with, and outsource their jobs to nations that accept slave labor, and then keep the extra money for yourself. So we have become a world of the very rich and the poor with few in between.

This rich versus poor world was created largely by the “neoconservatives” who really do not care about the herd or the cattle beneath them. Their main philosopher, Leo Strauss, dreamed about making these people the Platonic guardians ruling society, with lies permitted to keep order. Their other philosopher, Ayn Rand, approves of this scheme. And neoconservatism is not merely a national movement, it is an international movement, not unlike the Bolsheviks who took over Russia for a time with another economic scheme, creating a dictatorship over the proletariat. Some of the founders of neoconservatism were even originally international socialists before they changed their colors.

We need to restore a real meritocracy in America but one whose nefarious lobbying efforts are strictly monitored for the safety of the rest of the nation. There is not much movement in this direction. Fox News, supposedly a counter to the controlling liberal media, is in the pocket of the neoconservatives, and it has seduced many less informed conservatives. This leaves real conservatives like Pat Buchanan and journals like the American Conservative or Chronicles, and a few others who are, to say the least, marginalized. Still, there is nothing to do but fight on against the rich versus poor world of the neoconservatives.  They may self-destruct from their own cultural decadence, but then they may not without being pushed out.

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