Friday, July 05, 2013

The material and supermaterial in religion

“Traditions are best preserved through change and renewal”

Thinking metaphorically or theoretically, in Hinduism prakrati is material and purusha is spiritual, whereas in our theological materialism both of these forces are material, with the spirit-will defined as supermaterial.

With this cosmogony the cosmos derives from the two forces, primal matter and the spirit-will, their union helps create the world, but they are never separate, matter does not function without the spirit-will which activates matter.

Science believes that everything is made of matter and religion thinks that in reality everything is spirit. When spiritual things are seen as supermaterial, science and philosophical naturalism seem closer to the truth.

But science says that only through our conventional physical senses can we obtain knowledge, which seems to deny senses that may transcend the conventional senses while remaining material or supermaterial. The spirit-will which activates matter, and the soul at the zenith of the mind seeking the traditional experience of God, exist in this realm of supermateriality.  The soul seeks the metaphorical Christian and Eastern religious internal God, and the spirit-will seeks the real external supermaterial Godhood, which we evolve to.  This defines the Twofold Path.

Evolution is the natural principle of the cosmos, and the spirit-will-to-Godhood activates life to evolve to Godhood, and life is then shaped by the forces of outside evolution and selection. At this point in the evolution of intelligence we cannot see a beginning or end to this process, that is, no first cause. Life rises, evolves, falls, begins again, endlessly, always seeking to evolve to Godhood.

This displays why we need to be centered on evolution and the spirit-will, otherwise we may misuse life and power and religion.

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