Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Dealing with the loss of homogeneity and uniformity

The question for the United States and other large nations is how will we deal with the loss of our homogeneity and uniformity?  The answer is to affirm a federalism that separates different regions and states, even ethnostates, and then protects them internally and externally. In the United States this is the legal Constitutional way to handle the problems of our growing plurality and avoid radical revolutions.

Populations in the world are now too large and diverse for one large nation to declare that they are one race and one nation superior to all others and demand their own private imperialism. They will eventually be set upon and destroyed by everyone else. Separation into smaller regions and states with their independence protected by a light federalism is the practical solution.

Various courageous studies in sociobiology (Keith, Jensen, Eysenck, Cattell, Robertson, Wilson etc) show that homogenous people with a high degree of uniformity (the Chinese, the Jews) historically have more stability along with high performance than nations with a greater plurality of ethnic groups (India, South America). Distinct ethnic groups for the most part simply don't assimilate.

Real evolution prefers variety, one species or subspecies alone cannot guarantee survival under changing conditions.  The longer-term interest is our continuing survival and evolution out into the cosmos. Cooperative competition is perhaps the best we can manage, along with the encouragement of ongoing evolution.

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