Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Reality and illusion in religion

We become whole when the soul leaves the mind.” (Maharag Charan Singh)

The above quote is typical of most religious Masters, and it is the great illusion of the Great Spiritual Blockade of the past centuries. In reality we become incomplete when we block the mind of the desires of the body, although in doing so we are then able to see the God or Father Within.

Seeing the Father Within can lead to real wholeness if we see the Father Within as a symbolic experience for helping us to see material life as the vehicle for evolving to real supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos.

The mind and body do not need to be blocked, they need to be refined and improved in evolution toward Godhood, where real wholeness in intelligence, beauty and goodness can be attained.

Although there have been seemingly impossible psychosomatic cures, most of the miracles of the Masters were not so much illusions as literal misunderstandings of religious parables. For example, curing the deaf, blind and lame really means bringing them to the Inward Path of the Lord to gain the light within, which the blind cannot see. Everlasting life means living always with the experience of the Father Within. Raising the dead from the graves defines the physical body as the grave from which we can be released by realizing the Father Within.

Upside-down or transvalued religious values need to be turned around. Were the Masters so greedy for members that they let the people believe in illusory things, or are the misunderstandings considered the beginning of initiation into the real truths of the Masters? Either way, upside-down or transvalued religious values need to be turned around, illusions have damaged religious credibility over the years, and more importantly they have blocked our progress in evolution toward Godhood. The Inward Path to the Father Within can be retained but needs to be seen as a symbol pointing the way to the Outward Path of evolution to real Godhood.


  1. Leading many to state that several of today most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognizing its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Inevitably est vector illusion is often misunderstood by the easily lead, whom I can say no more about due to legal restrictions. Though I would rather be in bed I will now examine the primary causes of est vector illusion.

  2. Leading many to state that several of today most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognizing its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Inevitably est vector illusion is often misunderstood by the easily lead, whom I can say no more about due to legal restrictions. Though I would rather be in bed I will now examine the primary causes of est vector illusion.


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