Tuesday, July 30, 2013

On the evolutionary dynamic

Evolution has proceeded from the simple to the complex and with more and more conscious energy forms, heading for what seems like full consciousness. It took around twenty million years for mankind to evolve and we could have billions of more years to evolve. Think of what may evolve in that time and we can then see where definitions of Godhood come from.

We have an amount of freedom to make decisions but we are choosing between determined choices. This is where we can make the choice of continually evolving more intelligence, beauty and good character, and in this this way we can evolve from our unfinished amount of consciousness into full consciousness and Godhood.

An objective guide for actions can define good as whatever applies to evolution, including cosmic evolution, bad as whatever works against evolution. This seems to be in harmony with the direction of evolution all over the cosmos.

We can see where the Primal Material is unstructured and undeveloped in the beginning of a cosmos, and evolving toward Godhood from there on out, with no apparent end or beginning, with starts and stops and devolution included.  Applying intellectual intuition we can bring in the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood as activating the Primal Material from within and never separate from it.

Reason and science need to find more evidence for this evolutionary dynamic, meanwhile intellectual intuition, passion and faith need to apply.  This is a great evolutionary adventure we are on, and mankind needs a great religious adventure to help pull us out of our decline.

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