Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A revitalized “rights of man”

We cannot create cultures that outlaw the deepest tribal elements

Protecting the rights of small states, even thousands of ethnostates, becomes the revitalized “rights of man,” the revitalized “human rights,” which preserves the “natural rights” and the natural conditions of human nature in the state of nature.

“Cooperative competition” becomes the high virtue of this natural movement in evolution. The movement which moves men and nature is evolution, activated by the Spirit-Will within and shaped by evolution from without.

The problem has never been tribalism, or ethnocentrism, the problem has been supremacy, racial supremacy, one group demanding supremacy over another. We cannot create cultures that try to outlaw the deepest tribal elements of human nature. But we can encourage variety and outlaw the attempt of one tribe to demand supremacy over another.

A nation of small states, as the original United States, or a world of thousands of ethnostates, protected by light federalism, is the only way I have ever seen to harmonize true human nature with culture. The states can then be free to seek their own interests, their own evolution.

But give all people voluntary access to the Church in its mission to guide men to Godhood in evolution. Let the state guarantee justice in this freedom.

This is a process that unites the temporal and the spiritual, which helps answer the question of how the Church can harmonize with the political world.

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