Friday, April 15, 2011

The Primordial Instinct and Teilhard De Chardin

Teilhard De Chardin said that Jesus was not only a historical person but also the inner energy and goal to which the universe is moving. Teilhard should have said Jesus was the historical person and Christ is the goal to which the Inward Path is moving to the Godmind. The Inward Path moves to the Godmind in the Soul, not to Godhood in the Kosmos.

It is the Spirit-Will that is the “inner energy” not the Godmind of the Soul. The Spirit-Will is the Primordial Instinct both immanent and transcendent in supermaterial life, whereas the Godmind is the desire-free state that the mystics have sought within the Soul of man. This is not Godhood, it is the virtual experience of the desire-free mind of God. The goal of all desire is Godhood, not merely the virtual mind of God who has attained all desire and is therefore desire-free..

Teilhard synthesizes the material and spiritual by saying that the material is really spiritual. I synthesize the material and spiritual by saying that the spiritual is really material and supermaterial. Defining the material as spiritual can lead to defining material life as evil, or at least far less important than spiritual life. This can lead to defining God as “Nothing” or God as definition or word only, which is an error.

Central to the whole view of Evolutionary Christianity is material and supermaterial evolution to Godhood. Everything has some degree of consciousness, no matter how low the measurement, and life becomes ever more conscious, more intelligent, ever more beautiful as we evolve all the way to Godhood.

“Humanism” believes in human progress, but scientific humanism denies the Spirit-Will and Godhood. I think science will find the proof it needs for The Spirit-Will and Godhood, but the data needs to be deepened to supermateriality. I have faith in the material and supermaterial world, which has wrongly been defined as non-material. Material and supermaterial evolution is the path to Godhood.

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