Thursday, April 07, 2011

The Mind-Games Of Being

Mystics say that all is a continuum of spirit, that matter is really nonmaterial spirit. Always it is matter that is sacrificed, which has allowed religion and philosophy to demean and devalue the material world and life itself.

Teilhard De Chardin's attempt to bring spirit and matter together also demands a non-material Spirit, even if it is Spirit Within matter. Teilhard therefore does not end the duality between Spirit and Matter, he tries to stuff the piano of matter down the clothes chute of Spirit by saying that matter is really spirit, not unlike other religions and philosophies.

Spirit is really supermaterial matter. Life is a continuum from the material to the supermaterial and not from the material to the non-material spirit. “Being” has to be brought back to existing, living and reproducing, and then seen as evolving to its highest Being, Godhood. Being and life are far more important than any definition of being.

Someone said that rationalism is a philosophy of being without existence, but religion does the same sort of thing making spirit nonmaterial. The mind-games of intellectuals need to join the concrete world of the non-intellectuals.

Is it only a mind-game to say that Being is a thing-in-itself, where the “thing” is the Spirit-Will within, and the “in-itself” is the body that the thing lives within, and these together are called Being, with existence and essence never separate? Evolution develops different levels of being of unseparated essence and existence all the way to the Supreme Being or Godhood. No duality is necessary.

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