Monday, April 11, 2011

Christ and the Outward Path

Ravi Ravindra said “Christ is the way but Jesus is a way.” I agree that Christ, Lao tze, Krishna, Buddha, and others, taught essentially the same Inward Tradition, which was attaining the Godmind Within the Soul, by ridding the body of all desire so that we might experience the bliss of the Father, or Atman, within. The great mystics taught us how to transform ourselves so that we can find the Godmind Within. All the references to miracles were ways of speaking about this transformation of being, which were symbolized as being raised from the dead, or turning water into wine.

However, I do not believe that the Godmind we reach through the Involutionary Inward Path within is the “supreme identity.” I do not believe the Inward Goal is the sole end of religion. The Godmind is the goal of only one of the Twofold Path. The goal of the Inward Path is not the goal of the Outward Path. The Evolutionary Christian Church brings the addition of the Outward Path to the Inward Path.

The Outward Path redeems the material world after it has necessarily been sacrificed in order to see the Godmind of the Inward Path. The Inward Path leads to experiencing the bliss of the virtual and symbolic Godmind but does not lead to true Godhood. To attain real Godhood requires the Evolutionary Outward Path of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos.

This is Revitalized Conservatism and not revolution. The Inward Path is retained and the Outward Path is added.

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