Friday, April 29, 2011

Angels, Godhood, and Being

I don't see Angels as form without matter, Angels may be understood as supermaterial, as is Godhood, only Godhood is on the highest evolved level of supermateriality.

Both Godhood and Angels are activated by the Spirit-Will, as all life is, but in Godhood the Spirit-Will has reached the Zenith of Evolution.

Godhood's “destination” at the Zenith of Evolution is like all of life to create a cosmos
where life can be uniquely and eternally represented. The dream or ideal of all life and endless evolution.

Life in the old cosmos, which often falls back into collapse or begins again in Big Bangs, is also activated by the Spirit-Will, or the Will To Godhood seeking Godhood through the evolution of the material to the supermaterial and then Godhood. This defines "life."
Supermateriality will allow us to comprehend Being-Itself or Godhood yet not understand the qualities and substance of Godhood. But this too may be better understood as we and our intellects evolve.

It seems that St. Thomas shifted from Aristotle to Plato in describing abstract God (Caputo, “Heidegger and Aquinas”) which I don't go along with. This Platonic God becomes a God of definition, rather than describing God and Angels as different levels of substance and supermateriality by way of evolution.

The abstract idea of “pure perfection” always blockades the real material world, as if the world is evil. But when the material is seen to evolve to the supermaterial then this Great Spiritual Blockade of the evolution to Godhood will be opened, and true Godhood can be reached. But even Godhood never stops evolving, there is no ending or beginning.

Life differs greatly from abstract life, Being is supermaterial life, abstracts only define Being. Also the “act” of Being is not Being, acting is part of Being, but acting alone is not Being any more than the definition of Being is Being.

We cannot split Being into pieces and define one part of Being as Being. Metaphysics needs to be brought back/forward to the material and supermaterial minus the spiritual-only definitions.

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