Saturday, April 09, 2011

Cooperative Competition Among Ethnostates

Cooperative competition (the term Raymond Cattell used) certainly does not move outside of biology or human nature. Humans have been both violently aggressive and altruistically cooperative (see Frans de Waal). Only a few psychopaths do not feel empathy, the rest of us do. There seems to be a balance between selfishness and altruism in human nature.

I believe the way to affirm variety, competition and cooperation among humans across the world is to have thousands of ethnostates, protected with a light federalism. This is certainly possible and in harmony with true human nature. The real evil is not ethnocentrism, which is deeply embedded in human nature, but selfish supremacism, the demand of only one noble or chosen group to exist above all others, or its opposite, trying to root out all ethnocentrism with a broad, bland, egalitarian sameness.

The violent supremacist actions of Hitler, supposedly in response to the supremacist chosenness of the Jews, set back the discussion of ethnostatism for many decades, and still block these ideas, but slowly, slowly the reasonableness of ethnostatism is coming forward, beginning with outsiders and slowly slowly moving toward the mainstream. (see "The Enduring Power of Ethnic Nationalism," in Foreign Affairs, and Buchanan's various articles. )  

I believe the long term mission is to evolve humans upward to Godhood, and to do this, our ability to cooperate needs to emphasized even as we hold on to our competitive natures. This is not a utopian dream, this is harmonizing with human nature and the natural world.

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