Saturday, February 05, 2011

Ordered Evolution

“Survival” is not the final test of ethical values, evolution is, which of course requires survival. Divine evolution moves upward in consciousness, intelligence, etc., profane devolution moves backward. If we are not moving upward in evolution we may run down in entropy, which might define hell.

Psychologically, I don't advocate surrendering the ego to the Id, but I do think we should refer the ego to the Spirit or the Will To Godhood, which exists at the Zenith of the mind and Soul. Too often we have thrown up a blockade against the instincts when we needed to sublimate and enhance the lower instincts with the highest instinct of the Spirit. The Will to Godhood stands at the Zenith of all instincts.

Priests of the Evolutionary Outward Path are the theologians of evolution and philosophy, and sociobiologists and geneticists are, as Raymond Cattell called them, the “physicians of society.” But before we jump in fear to this evolutionary perspective and conjure up Nazism, upward evolution moves along with Tradition. The Upward Path needs to harmonize with Conservatism and the Involutionary Inward Path of traditional religion. We seek the balance of Ordered Evolution, conservative change. This means that representative democracy, and other systems, are included. I prefer thousands of small states, or ethnostates, protected with a light federalism.

I could agree with the late Raymond Cattell's “Beyondism” in advocating much more sociobiological education, and promoting group or ethnic freedom and development, “cooperative competition,” avoiding genocide by cultural preanalysis, avoiding hedonism or overindulgent humanism, and in setting up strong research centers for these things.  This is the world of the future.

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