Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Four Givens: How and what we think and see

How and what we see and think is intermingled with, (a) what our senses are seeing now, (b) what we have thought or experienced of the senses before in our memories, (c) input from the Will To Godhood or the Spirit Within, (d) and how we synthesize and define this intermingling.

The first given, the senses, lead this intermingling, followed by the second given, past memories, the third given, Will to Godhood, and the fourth given, the synthesis of these things. The fourth given, the synthesis, is vitally influenced by the third given, the Will To Godhood that activates life to evolve, which is then shaped by evolution from without. This seems to place the third given, the Will, within the second given of past memories and experience.  The Will would be a priori.

Which of the givens is most important? The third given, the Will to Godhood or the Spirit Within, which is the central drive, the Inward Dynamis or instinct of life. There can be various balances between these givens but what we want is the balanced hierarchy of the Will To Godhood consciously not unconsciously leading the givens. This can bring physical-mental-cultural health, as the Will To Godhood activating life and real upward evolution can become the primary direction of culture.

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