Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Great Error

The Great Error in the Western and the Eastern religion was in distinguishing between the moral and the natural. This is where the Great Spiritual Blockade of the material world began, it was thought that God could not be something as “inferior” as natural or material life.

The Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC) seeks to correct this Great Error. Godhood can be reached providing the natural world evolves to the supermaterial world of Godhood. When we pursue anything far enough and deep enough we find a natural system.

Religious mystics from all disciplines sought the Involutionary Inward Path to the Soul Within which was usually confounded with Godhood. Deeper still at the Zenith of the Soul is the Spirit-Will with Its Evolutionary Outward Path activating life to evolve to Godhood.

The ECC retains the Inward Path of religious tradition in the Twofold Path, but not at the expense of the activating Spirit or Will To Godhood Within and the Outward Path of the natural world.  Life is activated by the Will To Godhood or the Spirit Within, and life is then shaped by evolution from without.  The religious and scientific task or mission is to see that evolution to Godhood and not devolution takes place.

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