Monday, February 14, 2011

Islam and the West

The West has championed reason, which has mainly been interpreted as merely the individualistic, enlightened, self-interest of the bourgeoisie (see “Reason Defended” Modern Age Spring 2011). But reason includes knowledge from sociobiology that needs to be included, which has seen the importance of group selection.

Islam is group-oriented and aggressively in offense, whereas the West is more individualistic, even as it is both passive and aggressive in business. We need to think more in terms of group selection. This is the way the West can deal with the various forms of religious, political and racialist globalism.

We can do this by affirming thousands of small independent states, or ethnostates, protected by a light federalism determined to prevent global imperialism.

But no culture has risen or lasted without being grounded in religion, and Evolutionary Christianity affirms the evolution to Godhood of all people, all states, all races, each in their own fashion within a wide variety of ethnostates.

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