Sunday, May 09, 2010

We still have the Constitution

I am anything but a fuddy dud, having introduced Cattell's Beyondism into the Theoevolutionary Church, yet I advocate a return to the Constitution of the Founders.

The Founders found a way for the United States to be a nation by greatly limiting the power of the central government and giving great power and freedom to the states. Madison thought that the power of the states should extend to all affairs of the people, local government always looks best after its own.

The synthesis of sociobiology has affirmed what the Founders knew, that patriotism in defense of family, race, region, religion and country is what allowed us to survive and evolve. Globalism is utopian and often violently counter-productive.

Majority rule, which the Founders approved of, was designed for representative government. But minority concerns were addressed with very generous states rights and a very limited central government. Today minority lobbies run Congress, not the majority as defined as state representatives.

Can we make another start by returning to the Constitution of our Founders? I see no better solution to our overblown, collapsing empire. Revolution never, or rarely, works, and usually it does far more damage than what it replaced. We can even contain or champion the growing ethnic concerns by affirming the independent states of the Constitution.

Readers of this blog know that the Theoevolutionary Church affirms evolution, it is the sacred method in which we can attain Godhood. States rights and limited central government allow the freedom and variety of evolution to take place. This is the Revitalized Conservatism we affirm.

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