Monday, May 24, 2010

Synthesizing religious and political ethics

Evolution as the basis for ethics in Evolutioary Catholicism brings together or synthesizes the religious and social basis for ethics of the past. Individual rights, group rights and divine rights are combined in the right of evolution to Godhood for all people.

This basis for ethics conforms to nature and human nature. The good is basically that which advances evolution to Godhood.

Man is not an end in himself, as libertarians tend to think, and society is not an end in itself , as socialists tend to think, and single races are not an end in themselves, as racial nationalists tend to think. All life is seeking to evolve to Godhood, and that is the natural right of all men.

What best accommodates these religious and political ethics? Evolution works best in free societies that allow variety and natural competition, with separate and virtually independent states, as was called for in the original United States Constitution. The primary job of government is to protect these freedoms.

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