Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The intelligible world is the reflection of the sensible world

Opposite Platonism, the intelligible world is the reflection of the sensible world, man’s true home, not the other way around.

Ideas have meaning only in so far as they help us understand the sense world.

The sense world evolves to an epiphenomenal world and eventually to epiphenomenal Godhood. This epiphenomenal world has been mistaken for spirituality without materiality, but there really is not two worlds of Matter and Spirit, there is the material and supermaterial world made different through evolution.

The Evolutionary Outward Path represents the sensible world, explored somewhat by Aristotle, the Involutionary Inward Path represents the world of Plato. This is the Twofold Path in the Theoevolutionary Church.

Although they included Aristotle, the Revealed Religions were largely Platonic, and they remained dualistic. They essentially rejected the material world rather than seeing it as the evolutionary path to Godhood.

The Twofold Path in the Theoevolutionary Church connects the two paths in one, at last.

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