Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rights and Evolution

Libertarians emphasize the concept of individual rights, I emphasize the concept of small states rights within which the individual dwells. My view is based in the idea of group selection being primary and individual selection secondary in the long scheme of evolution ( Rushton essay on group selection here). This subject has been debated with paranoia shown against group rights.

Conservatives tend to emphasize group rights, along with individual rights (essay here and here) libertarians uphold only individual rights. Group selection is considered a "collectivist tyranny" by people like Ayn Rand. The recent disastrous financial meltdown was based mainly on selfish laissez faire capitalists with no concern for group rights, although no doubt they worked in raiding groups.

Rights are moral principles but based in natural principles. Group selection and altruism are an important natural principle in evolution, along with individual selection. To deny group selection is to deny human nature.

I affirm evolutionary rights, the natural right of all groups and individuals to evolve to Godhood as best they can. This is a theological as well as a natural right. The right to evolve stands at the top of the rights. We exist primarily to evolve to Godhood.

We like the United States Constitution more for its defense of small states, variety and competition, and not merely for its defense of individual rights.

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