Saturday, April 03, 2010

How To Save the Catholic Church

Catholicism is now receiving a very serious blow regarding the sexual perversion of a few too many of its priests, and although its enemies wish it death, the seeds, as it were, of this destruction existed within the church from the beginning. The exclusive concentration on the Soul, the Zenith of the Mind, and the bliss of experiencing the Soul, led to the affirmation of celibacy and the denigration of material life, even though there were valiant intellectual attempts to affirm material life.

The Theoevolutionary Church defines this as the Great Spiritual Blockade against the activation by the Spirit Within of material evolution to Godhood. Celibacy is highly unnatural and even though it is an indication of serious dedication to the Soul Within, it is a secondary goal, and it is overwhelmed by the primary goal of evolutionary reproduction leading to the evolution to Godhood. Jesus Christ was martyred and died defending the Father he saw in the Soul Within. No wonder some priests have problems with celibacy.

The Evolutionary Outward Path in the Theoevolutionary Church is the path of material evolution to Godhood, activated by the Spirit Within, and here celibacy has less value. We need to distinguish between divine and profane reproduction based on evolutionary values. Upward evolution to Godhood is the direction of the Evolutionary Outward Path, just as involution to the Soul Within is the direction of the Involutionary Inward Path, which led to celibacy.

We accept both paths in the Twofold Path of the Theoevolutionary Church.  Arrogant as it may sound, this is the way to save the Catholic Church---and for that matter, all the Revealed Religions.

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