Friday, April 02, 2010

The Bogus Structure of Consciousness In Involutionary Spirituality

The “structure of consciousness” as defined by Jean Gebser, and later, Ken Wilber, is bogus. What they are doing is retreating, not evolving into “wholeness,” they are sinking into the deeper recesses of the Soul-Mind, which is strictly immanent in humans.

The structures of consciousness they present, for example, archaic, magical, mythic, mental-rational and integral, while they may be a poetic and clever way to look at history, they are essentially missing the real evolutionary perspective, even though they attempt to call their structure “evolutionary.” What they are doing is involutionary not evolutionary.

For example, they can nicely be rid of the pesky and politically incorrect idea of group selection in evolution by defining it as an outdated “magical” structure of consciousness, rather than seeing it as a still vital element in human behavior. The problem they have with this stems from their general avoidance of biological evolution in theology, and their presumption that only consciousness needs to “evolve.” What they are really describing is a reductive involution of consciousness to the Soul-Mind within man.

With a little imagination and some courage, rather than trying to destroy essential elements of human nature, they could view the evolution of individuals within bonded groups and small states as an affirmation of variety, as an evolutionary commitment to all people, all ethnic groups, to evolve beyond man to Godhood. And this need not be a radical idea, for example, the original United States Constitution remains workable as a lightly organized separation of powers, which is ideal for evolution.

When material evolution is seen as the path to Godhood, when Godhood is not seen merely as an involution of consciousness in man, then these clever rationalizations can be seen for what they are. Even so, the Theoevolutionary Church allows for these involutionary structures of consciousness in what we define as the Involutionary Inward Path. But we do not define the results or the goal of this involution as evolution, or as Godhood, as the Revealed Religions and modern “evolutionary spiritualists” are prone to do.

We affirm a Twofold Path. To reach Godhood the Evolutionary Outward Path is required, and here the various structures of consciousness of man are seen as just that, of man, not of Godhood. Indeed, the Soul can be reached in the Involutionary Inward Path, but this is immanent and at the Zenith of the human mind. The Outward Path serves the Spirit, not merely the human Soul. It is the Spirit, which is both immanent and transcendent, that activates life to evolve to Godhood.

Godhood is attained by advancing material evolution all the way to Godhood, which is the material-spiritual Zenith of Evolution in the Kosmos, and this is far beyond the archaic, mental or integral involutions of human beings.

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