Sunday, April 05, 2020

What was the apostolic impulse and can we have another one?

Both Matthew and Mark reported that Jesus said: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” 

 Was such a command wildly arrogant and and unbelievably audacious? Your answer depends on what you think of Jesus Christ. 

What was the apostolic impulse of Pope Gregory to send missions to England, Germany (Boniface), Ireland (Patrick), Sweden (Anskar), Moravia? A will to truth? A will to power? The desire for more successful survival and reproduction? It depends on how you define human nature and religion: I affirm the biological origin of social behavior. 

As Richard Fletcher wrote in “The Barbarian Conversion,” the changing process by which Christianity grew first in the Mediterranean, then in the fallen Roman empire, in Europe, etc., was a brought by way of the “Roman-ness” of the Christianity of the time, that is, Roman ideas about laws, property, government, architecture, art, etc. synthesized with Christianity. 

Most of the success of the conversions seem to have come from converting the kings of warrior aristocracies, and their people then followed. For example, in 627 before King Edward of York set out on a campaign against a Saxon king he promised that if God granted him victory he would renounce the worship of idols and serve Christ, and his campaign was successful. 

Today when religion is dying and science has risen to take its place---although science hates religion so much it won't be called a religion and it won't officially offer ethical advice---people are usually doing without ethical advice, other than what they can get from the corrupt media and our decadent schools.

In advanced modern societies where survival is easier, the rise of Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values) are leading or have led to biologically and culturally diseased societies. 

I believe our future survival depends on acknowledging the biological origin of our social behavior, and my wildly arrogant and and unbelievably audacious advice is that a better more real and more natural formula for both conservatives and liberals, and lost people in general is to: follow real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior. which can then lead us to affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy.

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