Friday, April 24, 2020

How to truly make America great again

French and Russian intellectuals on the right, and academics on the left in America have been attacking the West for some time now, blaming the West for a modernity that in fact brought material comfort and prosperity, the rule of law, freedom, etc, to large groups of people.

The intellectuals were right in attacking inflated individual greed and the marauding crony capitalism of the West, but these are negative deviations of the natural free enterprise system and should not alone lead to condemning the whole of the West and modernity, or the people of the West.

I celebrate America, including the military, which helped the United States become a great country. This does not mean that we have no flaws, but I think the flaws can be conservatively fixed without radically destroying everything else in the process. But I do take “fixing” the country to places where most conservatives don't go. I think of changes as mirroring natural evolution, building on what we have, retaining the best of the past while advancing the best of the new for the future.

Americans like to customize everything, to build or alter according to individual specification. Creativity usually works that way, mirroring evolution. And that is good, as long as American individualism doesn't hypertrophy into rejecting the survival of the group, because group-selection remains the primary unit of successful survival and selection.

Altruism in real human nature is grounded in genetics and mainly local and group or ethnic centered, as sociobiology has affirmed, and not universally very workable. People naturally love their kin and their group, their ethnic cultures, and beyond that bonding becomes increasingly difficult.

Customizing or adjusting the Constitutional separation of the powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates seems radical, but it remains conservative because it retains the Roman law and English precedence that our Founders customized or adapted for America. Ethnostates can bring our increasingly diverse culture, which is naturally not getting along well together, back to real and workable human nature, and that can truly make America great again.

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