Saturday, April 25, 2020

Evolutionary religion is the moral way to deal with modern technology and not ban modern technology

It looks like another coming competition between advocates of the biological evolution of man and advocates of artificial evolution replacing biological evolution.

Among those who have been rightly worried about the threat of technology---where one technology brings or requires another, as mass autos brought mass roads and computers brought the loss of privacy---some have become opposed to new technology, while others think technology can rule us better than we can rule ourselves.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil said: 'We're going to become increasingly non-biological to the point where the non-biological part dominates and the biological part is not important any more...In fact the non-biological part - the machine part - will be so powerful it can completely model and understand the biological part. So even if that biological part went away it wouldn't make any difference.”

I wonder if advocating that we become non-biological machines is a cunning way to dodge or block our actual human
biological evolution? But pushing “singularity,” replacing biological man with more intelligent machines (ruled by Kurzweil types?) seems more dangerous than eugenics.

Sometimes I call myself a “bioconservative,” I don't want technological evolution to
supersede biological evolution. I want to lesson human suffering, which can be aided by new technology, but I also want to evolve healthy more intelligent people in a continuous way out into the cosmos, which is positive eugenics, and to do so with non-coercive voluntary prenatal screening, genetic counseling, genetic engineering, etc.

I believe that life and evolution show a religious goal of attaining the supreme survival success of Godhood by way of evolving in the material and supermaterial world, activated from within, and shaped by natural selection and evolution from without. This means ascending levels of Godhood from man to superman to supermaterial Gods; it does not mean a transcendence from material life to non-material spiritual life, or replacing man with more intelligent machines.

We can learn to prevent the decline and early death of a variety of people, ethnic groups, and societies by understanding the social and biological patterns that bring collapse, and by applying voluntary population control and genetics. We can help prevent negative ends, but we can also civilize the beast and seek positive ends, even as we recognize that competition, separation, and distinctiveness are a good thing on the evolutionary path to Godhood.

Evolutionary religion is the moral way to deal with modern technology and not ban modern technology.

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