Friday, April 03, 2020

Hope to those who think backward religion can be synthesized with forward science

During the period that followed the decline of the Western Roman Empire, from about the fourth to the fourteenth century, Europe accepted the Christian faith. I think the superior literacy, books, Latin language as well as Roman ideas about laws, property, government, architecture and art, which Christianity brought to pagan Europe, won the pagans over more than Christian spirituality did. And that brings hope to those who think backward religion can be synthesized with forward science. 

We have been having another gradual takeover of religion by science since the Enlightenment with a few attempts to synthesize the two by erecting science on the ruins of churches, as the Christian's had built churches on the ruins of pagan temples, but for the most part it was a slow rout by Christianity over the pagans and a slow rout by science over religion. 

As an evolutionary conservative I prefer to build on the past rather than destroy it. I did not erect theological materialism on the ruins of Christianity, as modern thinkers did with science and the humanities, I wanted to renew the building, not tear it down. This rebirth is seen in the Twofold Path, where the God-Within, the Father-Within, is seen as the first glimpse, or the mirror of the real Godhood reached through  ascending levels of material and supermaterial evolution. 

Early Nietzsche could not see his way out of the loss of both religion and science other than through the rebirth of art-myth as a guide to truth, along with creating individual great men as the goal of culture. Nietzsche thought that this loss of myth (religion) was the result of the reasoning of Socrates which supposedly destroyed myth, and also because the “historical sense” and the abstract pursuit of knowledge for knowledge sake in modern times further destroyed myth and religion. Kant helped this destruction along by showing the limits of knowledge, and Schopenhauer by adding the irrational Will as the superior force to all knowledge. 

Politically, affirming the biological origin of social behavior is also an antidote to the abstractions not only of 19th and 20th century ideologies but to conflicting claims of moral superiority. This does not lead to radical revolution as the 19th and 20th century ideologies did, and as old religions often did, it leads to better understanding the reality of human nature living and competing in the world. 

The biological origin of social behavior, and kin and ethnic centered human nature, lead naturally to regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by some sort of federalism. All groups can then get on with the natural business of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates and aiding our evolution to real Godhood.

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