Monday, April 06, 2020

Solving the age old problem of division and union in America

Our Founders tried to solve the age old problem of division and union in America. They relied on the ideas of people like Aristotle to help solve the differences between rich and poor, etc, but they missed the problems that came later from allowing unlimited and undiscriminating immigration, most likely assuming immigrants would be from Christian northern Europe. 

Hamilton thought open and free economics could help heal the divisions between rich and poor by giving everyone a chance at getting rich, and it was very successful when the culture was homogeneous, but ethnic and racial divisions later followed the unlimited and undiscriminating immigration. And the Founders also missed the social problems that would later come from allowing black slavery for economic purposes. Our inner cities eventually became filled with unassimilated blacks.

What was missing was knowledge of the biological origin of social behavior which came with Darwin, when real human nature could be seem as being genetically kin and ethnic centered, with group selection as the main unit of successful survival and reproduction. 

The decline of America culture and the American people really began to accelerate in the 1960's when several destructive things came together: postmodernism in the academic world, hedonism promoted by the Big Media, modern liberalism on the left, and libertarianism on the right, and of course continuing unlimited and undiscriminating immigration.

For example, white Minnesotan's have turned themselves inside out to accommodate non-whites. Populations of people of color have increased faster in Minnesota than the rest of the nation since 2010. The over  20,000 Somali's in Minneapolis have begun to broadcast the call to prayer over loudspeakers in their neighborhoods. There are more than 66,000 Hmong in Minnesota, the largest concentration of Hmong in America. The assimilation  of Somalis and Hmong has not taken place, and recent riots in Minneapolis have shown us that that the inner city blacks have after many years still not really assimilated.

The first person I read who had the knowledge and the self-sacrificing courage to challenge Spengler's cyclic view of history was Wilmot Robertson in "The Ethnostate.” Robertson suggested that we could halt and reverse the decline of America by transforming the socially destructive aspects of ethnic or racial competition into developing socially constructive ethnostates.  The new (yet old) solution to the division of the nation, which the liberals and cultural Marxists have willing and consciously created with the help of the media and the schools, is to form ethnostates or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. 

We will probably have to wait for future leaders to pick up what President Trump leaves undone, as he picked up what Ronald Reagan left undone. But we can continue to counter Spengler's prediction of inevitable fall by solving the age old problem of division and union in America by working toward forming an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, legally adapted from our Constitutional separation of powers and states, and then protecting the ethnostates from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.  

I think the Founders might approve.

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