Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How we can conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly ethnically diverse society?

Some of the loudest voices raised against ethnocentrism are the most ethnocentric groups. But the whole business of the melting pot and then the pluralist society went against the biological origin of social behavior and basic human nature. These social experiments were probably mostly due to ignorance, although some knowingly promoted assimilation to try to take away the bonds of competing ethnic groups.

The melting pot didn't melt and when that didn't work the American mosaic, or pluralist society, took its place, but that didn't work either and caused social disorder, because human nature is biological ethnocentric and tends to want every group to assimilate except its own.

Clueless modern liberals still promote both pluralist societies and universal equality apparently not noticing the contradiction. Conservatives do the same but try to bring in a neutered nationalism of creedal ideas rather than biological bonds.

Universalist humanitarianism and equality are “unable to sustain high levels of in-group cooperation.” (Ed Dutton) Computer modeling of such battles has demonstrated conclusively that ethnocentric strategies always triumph. "The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool.” (Edward O. Wilson)

How can we conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly ethnically diverse society? That is, can we avoid radical revolution and yet adapt to the increasingly combative racial and cultural differences in America?

We can adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological knowledge. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

A tough realty to face, but it won't go away by avoiding it.

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