Thursday, April 30, 2020

We should expand the Tenth Amendment and Constitutional separation of powers and states and give states or regions the right to become ethnostates

Note on ethnostates for the day after tomorrow:

The Tenth Amendment says: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The Founding Fathers believed that nullification was the "moderate middle ground," and not the road to secession.

We should adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to deeper sociobiological knowledge of human nature and give states or regions the right to become ethnostates. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it naturally leads to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which would need to be protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

Then we will be legally, culturally, and politically healthy and ready for the coming centuries. Europe could do the same, and China too, otherwise we will have constant internal strife between naturally competing ethnic groups added to the usual external problems between countries.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How we can conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly ethnically diverse society?

Some of the loudest voices raised against ethnocentrism are the most ethnocentric groups. But the whole business of the melting pot and then the pluralist society went against the biological origin of social behavior and basic human nature. These social experiments were probably mostly due to ignorance, although some knowingly promoted assimilation to try to take away the bonds of competing ethnic groups.

The melting pot didn't melt and when that didn't work the American mosaic, or pluralist society, took its place, but that didn't work either and caused social disorder, because human nature is biological ethnocentric and tends to want every group to assimilate except its own.

Clueless modern liberals still promote both pluralist societies and universal equality apparently not noticing the contradiction. Conservatives do the same but try to bring in a neutered nationalism of creedal ideas rather than biological bonds.

Universalist humanitarianism and equality are “unable to sustain high levels of in-group cooperation.” (Ed Dutton) Computer modeling of such battles has demonstrated conclusively that ethnocentric strategies always triumph. "The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance with their effects on the human gene pool.” (Edward O. Wilson)

How can we conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly ethnically diverse society? That is, can we avoid radical revolution and yet adapt to the increasingly combative racial and cultural differences in America?

We can adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological knowledge. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

A tough realty to face, but it won't go away by avoiding it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Notes on ascending and descending Art (from 2009)

Art should be ascending more than descending. Traditionalism only descends to the soul within, seeing no ascent through materialism, it sees the soul as non material.

In positive theology the “Dance of Shiva” brings Atma (spiritual) back to Maya (material), not Maya back to Atma, as in negative theology. The inner is brought to the outer, the inner is only secondary to the outer, not the other way around. 

We can bring Eros, survival, and reproduction back to the sacred, after it has been largely exiled by Traditionalism due to its materialistic content, which is considered inferior.

Material beauty can be exhumed from its neglect by Traditionalism. “Eros with ethics” was the way someone defined advanced paganism but this was lost in the spiritual abstractions of the Inward Path of Revealed Religions. The Order of the Outward Path of Evolution to Godhood in theological materialism brings material ethics back, this time with an evolutionary ethics for our reproduction and evolution to ascending levels of Godhood. This can bring real Beauty back to religion. 

Taditionalism made an idol of the Soul Within even as it virtually rejected the earth and the material world calling these things idol worship. God is a Sacred Supermaterial Object evolved to in the world, not merely an equation outside the world defined as Perfect Truth. Traditionalism gave us a hubristic authority beyond the world, beyond the stars, and Traditionalism continues to supplant biology with the exclusivity of the Inward Path. 

The essence of material survival and reproduction is the thirst for evolving toward beauty, truth, and Godhood. When this Sacred Goal is missing, sex and reproduction can be defined as profane.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Too much damage has been done by modern liberals to excuse their ignorance

Can we blame modern liberals for being ignorant and unconsciously suicidal when they were taught to be that way by our culturally Marxist schools and by the corrupt media? Ignorance can explain modern liberals but it does not excuse them, too much damage has been done by modern liberals to excuse their ignorance.

Modern liberalism includes the rise of cultural Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values), and this has led to biologically and culturally diseased societies.

Modern liberalism rose in face of the reality of the biological origin of social behavior, which evolved a human nature that has been affirmed throughout human history to this day as being universally and genetically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection followed by individual selection.

The reality of the biological origin of social behavior and real human nature stands almost opposite modern liberalism, which created a transvaluation of reality and taught it to the West by way of culturally Marxist schools and a corrupt media.

What can we do about it? When real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it naturally leads to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, we can use our various talents to work toward legally adapting our Constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and then protect it from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

Our culturally Marxist schools, our corrupt media, and their brainwashed disciples, will hate us for trying to take back our country; the suicidal person often fights against the rescuer.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Speculating on the minds of Gods

The minds of Gods would be the highest evolved material/supermaterial objects in the cosmos. Our minds are not nearly at that point in our evolution, but that is the goal of theoevolutionary religion, the next religious philosophy. God's Minds are therefore not spiritual or non-material. The God's minds are supermaterial but as material/physical are our minds, their minds exist within their bodies, along with the inward activating material will (or material Tirips) activating life to ascending levels of Godhood, which works along with the ups and downs of outside natural selection and evolution.

You will notice that I said nothing about artificial intelligence. I think the Gods would be intelligent enough to evolve their own minds and bodies and use AI only as an aid to that evolution.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Evolutionary religion is the moral way to deal with modern technology and not ban modern technology

It looks like another coming competition between advocates of the biological evolution of man and advocates of artificial evolution replacing biological evolution.

Among those who have been rightly worried about the threat of technology---where one technology brings or requires another, as mass autos brought mass roads and computers brought the loss of privacy---some have become opposed to new technology, while others think technology can rule us better than we can rule ourselves.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil said: 'We're going to become increasingly non-biological to the point where the non-biological part dominates and the biological part is not important any more...In fact the non-biological part - the machine part - will be so powerful it can completely model and understand the biological part. So even if that biological part went away it wouldn't make any difference.”

I wonder if advocating that we become non-biological machines is a cunning way to dodge or block our actual human
biological evolution? But pushing “singularity,” replacing biological man with more intelligent machines (ruled by Kurzweil types?) seems more dangerous than eugenics.

Sometimes I call myself a “bioconservative,” I don't want technological evolution to
supersede biological evolution. I want to lesson human suffering, which can be aided by new technology, but I also want to evolve healthy more intelligent people in a continuous way out into the cosmos, which is positive eugenics, and to do so with non-coercive voluntary prenatal screening, genetic counseling, genetic engineering, etc.

I believe that life and evolution show a religious goal of attaining the supreme survival success of Godhood by way of evolving in the material and supermaterial world, activated from within, and shaped by natural selection and evolution from without. This means ascending levels of Godhood from man to superman to supermaterial Gods; it does not mean a transcendence from material life to non-material spiritual life, or replacing man with more intelligent machines.

We can learn to prevent the decline and early death of a variety of people, ethnic groups, and societies by understanding the social and biological patterns that bring collapse, and by applying voluntary population control and genetics. We can help prevent negative ends, but we can also civilize the beast and seek positive ends, even as we recognize that competition, separation, and distinctiveness are a good thing on the evolutionary path to Godhood.

Evolutionary religion is the moral way to deal with modern technology and not ban modern technology.

Friday, April 24, 2020

How to truly make America great again

French and Russian intellectuals on the right, and academics on the left in America have been attacking the West for some time now, blaming the West for a modernity that in fact brought material comfort and prosperity, the rule of law, freedom, etc, to large groups of people.

The intellectuals were right in attacking inflated individual greed and the marauding crony capitalism of the West, but these are negative deviations of the natural free enterprise system and should not alone lead to condemning the whole of the West and modernity, or the people of the West.

I celebrate America, including the military, which helped the United States become a great country. This does not mean that we have no flaws, but I think the flaws can be conservatively fixed without radically destroying everything else in the process. But I do take “fixing” the country to places where most conservatives don't go. I think of changes as mirroring natural evolution, building on what we have, retaining the best of the past while advancing the best of the new for the future.

Americans like to customize everything, to build or alter according to individual specification. Creativity usually works that way, mirroring evolution. And that is good, as long as American individualism doesn't hypertrophy into rejecting the survival of the group, because group-selection remains the primary unit of successful survival and selection.

Altruism in real human nature is grounded in genetics and mainly local and group or ethnic centered, as sociobiology has affirmed, and not universally very workable. People naturally love their kin and their group, their ethnic cultures, and beyond that bonding becomes increasingly difficult.

Customizing or adjusting the Constitutional separation of the powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates seems radical, but it remains conservative because it retains the Roman law and English precedence that our Founders customized or adapted for America. Ethnostates can bring our increasingly diverse culture, which is naturally not getting along well together, back to real and workable human nature, and that can truly make America great again.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

We are now seeing the Left and the Right in all their glory in the pandemic

Pandemics bring out the best and worst in people, and in democracies, where the same value is put on the opinions and votes of the educated and the ignorant, the law-abiding citizens and underground criminals, we are now seeing the Left and the Right in all their glory in the Media and among the people.

The pretenses of democracy and the Left regarding human nature are almost the opposite of real human nature, which remains kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection followed by individual selection. The further Right you go the more agreement there is with this view of human nature.

The idiotic Left has been showing us that they simply do not understand that the government doesn't create wealth, small and large businesses create the wealth that the government then collects and spends. So now the Left and virtually all the Media are calling for all businesses to continue to remain closed almost indefinitely in the aftermath of the pandemic; they don't realize it means that soon there will be no money for the government to spend on their idiotic and suicidal programs, which include things that have no connection to real human nature, like cultural Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values.)

We will one day require ethnostates in harmony with real human nature to straighten out the mess that Leftist democracy has made of our country. We can adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological knowledge. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Religion the day after tomorrow (from 2013)

A new/old religion, a new worldview, a new philosophy and psychology rising, with evolution as the common ground, is presented in the religion of the projected Theoevolutionary Church and the Twofold Path, and the philosophy of theological materialism, which does not take away the old religions with a bland universalism, or take away nationalism, ethnostates, group separateness and the uniqueness of each group. It is a world religion based on the evolution of all groups, all races, all people, while preserving ethnic distinctions and national identities. All the parts are seen as independent yet part of the nobler whole, guided by international religious-scientific centers (as Raymond Cattell suggested) with the parts working together in a realistic cooperative competition, since competition is healthy for evolution. Persuasion rather than coercion is the method of this religious philosophy in the world. We all can affirm the evolutionary mission, bringing beauty and intelligence and character as evolution proceeds. Wisdom is shared among the whole of planetary life, each contributes, knowing they are part of the greater sacred mission of evolving to ascending levels of Godhood in the cosmos.

How do we make sacred our morals and values in the face of modern non-sacred moral and aesthetic values without losing our extraordinarily successful technological and economic development? How can we keep an anthropocentric culture working within a theocentric culture? By affirming that the material world evolves to Godhood, that is how. The traditional Inward God is a mirror of Outward Godhood reached through material and supermaterial evolution: that affirms conservative not radical  change.

Modernism and traditionalism need not reject one another as they have done, we can have a transformation of the sacred, not a rejection, the inward God first seen in the great religions is realized in outward Godhood, bringing the new into the old. The great division between the spiritual and the temporal does not exist when the spiritual is seen as supermaterial. Science can join religion.

The West can lead the way in this because we have for centuries been bringing Biblical faith together with Greek and Roman philosophy, whereas the East has been religious traditionally without this sort of positive Western tension, at least until the few short decades of Marxist totalitarianism, and even that has a nondemocratic Asian ethos to it. We can now add a third stage in the development of traditional religion, from Neoplatonism to Catholic Scholasticism to the theological materialism of the Theovolutionary Church.

Does this present only an oddball flaky utopia? Can we do this? We are capable of it. Perhaps I should say as Wilmot Robertson said about the advent of ethnostates, the religion presented is not so much about conditions as they exist today or tomorrow, but with the day after tomorrow, when we will have reached the point where we will choose between theological materialism and Theoevolutionary Church or no religion and no philosophy at all.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It took a world wide pandemic for President Trump to temporarily stop new immigration into this country

It took a world wide pandemic for President Trump to temporarily stop new immigration into this country, finally agreeing with Pat Buchanan's long called for “time out” on immigration. Of the many millions who have come into our nation since 1970 many will not assimilate, which will lead to civil disruption.

In 2004 Buchanan said “America's native-born population has ceased to grow. Its birth rate has fallen below replacement levels. U.S. population growth now comes from immigrants, legal and illegal, from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The religious, ethnic, and racial composition of the country, a child of Europe, is changing more rapidly than that of any other great nation in history in an era when race, religion, and ethnicity are tearing countries apart. The melting pot no longer works its magic. Newcomers are not assimilating.”

Kin and ethnic centered human nature and the biological origin of social behavior predicts partisan politics, because in adhering firmly to a political party, faction, idea or cause people believe it will bring them success in life. The deepest activation of seeking survival and reproductive success for kin and ethnic group is often hidden, even from ourselves, especially in our idiotic age of cultural Marxism, radical feminism, homosexuality, and postmodern relativism, which are dominate in our schools and in the media.

Since real human nature is biologically kin and ethnic centered we need to be advocating ethnostates for all distinctive ethnic groups, which is better than becoming anti-Chinese, anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-White, etc, etc. We need to protect and defend our differences and become as independent as we can in ethnostates, while still dealing with the world.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Have our Gods failed us?

Have our Gods failed us? I think we can say that our priests and philosophers have failed us in their definitions and interpretations of Godhood. They demeaned the material world by defining God as non-material and spiritual.

Many priests and philosophers retired from the world and attempted to rid their bodies of all material desires to experience a non-material spiritual God within. But that experience was a blissful peak material experience as the result of the extreme privation of the body, and was not God.

Godhood requires the material world because we materially evolve to ascending levels of Godhood. Evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood.

So our Gods and priests have failed us. We are now dying faster than being born and we have biologically and culturally diseased societies. We need to recognize real Godhood and get on with the primal mission of materially and super-materially evolving to ascending levels of real Godhood.

We can learn to prevent the decline and early death of a variety of people, ethnic groups, and societies by understanding the social and biological patterns that bring collapse (see Cattell's “Beyondism”), and by applying voluntary population control and genetics. We can help prevent negative ends, but we can also seek positive ends, even as we recognize that competition, separation, and distinctiveness are a good thing on the evolutionary path to Godhood.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The estrangement of intellectuals from religion and the return

The estrangement of intellectuals from religion didn't stop many of them from seeking religion in the form of science, communism or fascism, although most of them were not aware of seeking a religious worldview. Life without religious purpose turned out to be without meaning and nihilistic. Marxism and National Socialism were complete worldviews from cradle to grave and beyond to future utopias. But many people just accepted a meaningless world and became unhappy hedonists pursuing modern technology etc.

The biological origin of social behavior as studied by evolutionary sociobiology is the key to the religious and philosophical worldview of theological materialism which, unlike the “ism” mentioned above, does not reject religion. Theological materialism is more or less placed in the worldview of philosophical naturalism with the difference being that philosophical naturalism is generally irreligious, and theological materialism is religious in seeing Godhood as the goal of material evolution, first mirrored in the Father-Within of traditional religion.

We can indeed immanentize the eschaton, attain Godhood directly within nature and evolution, when we affirm that evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood.

Affirming the biological origin of social behavior is an antidote to the abstractions not only of 19th and 20th century ideologies but to conflicting religious claims of moral superiority. This does not lead to radical revolution as the 19th and 20th century ideologies and as old religions often did, it leads to better understanding the reality of human nature living and competing in the world.

The reality is that identity politics demonstrates cultures being pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature which remains genetically and biologically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection. So race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation tend to eventually conform to the human nature reflected in identity politics.

The rise of cultural Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values) have led to biologically and culturally diseased societies.

The obvious solution to the diversity of bio-cultural identities in the world, each with its own natural urge to perpetuate itself and establish its own culture, is not to try to jam everyone together in the same territory or to demand a creed of equality or multiculturalism, but to establish ethnostates for all distinctive groups and then protect them from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and money grubbers, by a defensive federalism. For example, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established, legally, in the United States adapted from our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Then we can better get on with the sacred mission of materially and super-materially evolving to ascending levels of real Godhood.  

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Twofold Path is the way out of the Great Spiritual Blockade

The philosophy of theological materialism and the projected theoevolutionary church is whole because it has its roots in ancient religions, the tribal, the classical, the romantic, but also affirms the Enlightenment, which gave rise to the science of sociobiology now seen as a great aid in our material evolution to ascending levels of Godhood, the God first mirrored inwardly in the great religions.

This is not only religion adapting to preserve itself, which is indeed a noble Burkean action, this is a deeper and more accurate understanding of Godhood. Theological materialism at last brings the sacred and profane together since Godhood is not a non-material spiritual being opposite the so-called profane material world, Godhood is the zenith of the material world reached by material and supermaterial evolution.

We can find only the mirror of Godhood inwardly, we cannot find real Godhood by going inward in ascetic contemplation. The inward God is a good start but is not the place to stop, even if, after great ascetic discipline, the experience is blissful. We need to evolve in the material and supermaterial world to reach the Godhood we first saw inwardly.

The Twofold Path is the way out of the Great Spiritual Blockade of religious history. All the fields from science to poetry can come together in the Twofold Path.

Friday, April 17, 2020

It's better to become an economic nationalist (or better yet an economic localist) than to become anti-Chinese

Not all unintended consequences are bad. The Coronavirus has showed us that the economic nationalists were right about China, many globalist American businesses sold out their own country and workers and greedily moved vital pharmaceutical and technical corporations and even militarily parts manufacturing to China, who promptly stopped providing those things during the pandemic, which seems to have started in China by the barbaric eating of diseased bats.

But it's better to become an economic nationalist (or better yet an economic localist) than to become anti-Chinese. Human nature is biologically kin and ethnic centered, and it's better to advocate ethnostates for all distinctive ethnic groups than to become anti-Chinese, anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-White, etc, etc. We need to  protect and defend our differences and become as independent as we can, while still dealing with the world.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Apparently anybody with connections, greed, nepotism, or chutzpa can make a movie and talent has nothing to do with it

Even when I expect to find nothing great watching Netflix or Prime video in the evenings, I spend most of the time searching for movies or series, trying them out, but finding the stories, direction, or acting so lousy I can't continue watching them.

The excuse that the volume of films required by the public created a quantity over quality reality for Netflix or Prime is an excuse for the greed, nepotism and chutzpah of the producers of this crap----if Washington DC is a swamp then the entertainment industry is a garbage dump.

Apparently anybody with the money, connections, or greed can make a movie now and talent has nothing to do with it. So popular culture has now fallen almost as low as it fell in the Weimar Republic in Germany following World War One, and we know what happened to that.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The new/old transfiguring goal

The transfiguring goal for Friedrich Nietzsche in his early writings was the creation of great men. Although that is important it is not nearly enough. Renewal requires the religious goal of our evolution to Godhood in the cosmos, which brings a far more exalted renewal of consciousness, and contains the power to revive religion, philosophy, and art in the enlarged modern world.

It is not tragic music, as Nietzsche and Schopenhauer thought, which expresses “the immediate language of the will,” it is evolution. It is not the Will To Power but the biological Will To Godhood, or Tirips, that activates life, which natural selection and evolution then shape, that is the real source for a renewal of mythopoetic power. Evolution is the super-epic for art, glorifying the struggle to attain Godhood.

Art can bring religion to life but art is not religion. Religion and philosophy can recognize evolutionary religion as what we need, and art and religious rituals can affirm it. Politically our evolution can even be democratic if we want it, with a federal system respecting and protecting the independent parts of the whole, maintaining the separate variety in ethnostates, which can advance evolution best, even with cooperative competition, as we gradually evolve beyond the human sub-species toward ascending levels of Godhood---that is the way to revive the decaying world and invigorate the new/old transfiguring goal.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Why and how there need not be tension between the material, the spiritual, science, and the political

Richard Fletcher tells us in “The Barbarian Conversion” how the Eusebian accommodation between church (Christianity) and state (Rome) in the fourth century was an intellectual marvel. Eusebius showed how the city of earth became the city of God and how the monarchy of emperor Constantine brought the kingdom of God to men. That accommodation between church and empire became the cornerstone for political theology.

The Eastern church mainly affirmed that harmony, but in 413 Augustine objected and said there is a material city of man and spiritual city of God and Christians were not of this world, which thereafter brought a tension to Western Christianity between church and state.

Monastic loving Augustine was thinking more like Christ, just as Christ resembled Buddha, who believed that material desires are hell and the religious path is to rid the body of all material desires, that was the way to see or experience the bliss of nirvana, which Christ called the God Within. So Augustine was affirming Eastern Buddhism perhaps without knowing it when he objected to the Eusebian accommodation between church (Christianity) and state (Rome).

Both had it wrong. The separation between the material and the spiritual in all the revealed religions was a big metaphysical error, which set up a great spiritual blockade against the material and supermaterial evolution of life to ascending levels of real material-supermaterial Godhood.

So there need not be that tension between the material and the spiritual just as there need not be that tension between religion and science and the political. A better more real and more natural formula is to follow the biological origin of social behavior and kin and ethnic centered human nature. That can lead us to affirm a harmonious ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The sacred goal

The goal of all history is to evolve material life to Godhood, to bring science and religion together in the divine pattern, to bring life in harmony with the biological origin of social behavior in sync with primary kin and ethnic centered human nature, which then brings the essential political theory of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, defended by federalism.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The body and object in evolutionary realism

The function of great art is to bring the lower to the higher, to evolve to Godhood. The body represents becoming-being, object, as contrasted with thought, or abstract thought. When God is an object, a superior body, then the body can come forward as a sacred symbol.

When the “soul” is opposed to the body then the body is demeaned. If we are opposed to the animal nature, then we downplay human nature.

The classical nudes are redeemed in the projected sacred art of theological materialism (TM), unlike traditional sacred art where clothing tends to be “opposed to nakedness as the soul is opposed to the body.” ( Frithjof Schuon). TM is not opposed to the body and the priest is not opposed to the animal nature. Evolution is the process of civilizing the beast, the animal evolves to Godhood.

In the projected sacred art of TM art can be centered on the bearer of evolution, the man-God, the superman and beyond. The ancient Greeks seemed to have used man and woman Gods, even though traditionalist priest's think Greek art was not enough informed by the sacred.

In TM we need not speak of resignation to the will of God but of the evolutionary assent toward Godhood, along with the ups and downs of natural selection and evolution. In The Twofold Path, inward art marks the descent to the will or Tirips, outward art marks the assent of Tirips and the body to Godhood.

God cannot be represented realistically because we do not know how God looks, and we probably will not know until we attain Godhood in evolution. But we can represent Beauty and Goodness and Truth in their highest human and superhuman forms and expressions---the Greeks did.

When we “exteriorize a metaphysic” or show “an image of infinity,” we need not leave materialism or the body out of the picture, because material evolution is the sacred path to ascending levels of Godhood.

Friday, April 10, 2020

School busing was a future-mutant

School busing began in the 1960's and 1970's and by the 1980's it had faded away when even blacks objected to busing their children to white schools and began advocating support for all black schools. But school busing was a future-mutant which could have been predicted by kin and ethnic centered human nature, so the basic instigating drives will come again in the future.

Modern liberal elites, who hypocritically sent their kids to private white schools, promoted busing, so the mandate for integrating the schools fell on poor whites and blacks who could not afford to send their kids to private schools. Unlike suburban white cuckolds, the poor and lower middle-class whites (future Trumpers) openly objected to busing, it was their children who suffered the bad consequences, violence etc, from busing.

Multiculturalism works little better than busing because people naturally separate into ethnic and racial neighborhoods, even though the suburban liberals, the media, and the schools are still pushing integration. Human nature IS universally and genetically kin-centered, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, so we need a better solution than insisting on jamming distinctly different ethic groups and races into the same living space.

We can adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological affirmation of regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

That is how we may conservatively retain the American union of different ethnic groups and races.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Sacred evolution to Godhood and tradition

Having respect for the philosophy of conservatism, I have no wish to harm the great traditions of the great religions. In theological materialism the Outward Path of our evolution to Godhood is added to the Inward Path to the God-Within or Father Within of traditionalism.

All the things that have been said about attaining happiness, and ultimately attaining God, by St. Thomas, St. Augustine, and others, including the great sages of Eastern Religions, can be applied to the sacred material evolution to Godhood. But it is not only the inward vision of the divine essence we seek, it is actually evolving materially-supermaterially to Godhood, with no beginning and no end. 

The sacred evolution to Godhood can be confirmed within the structures of the laws of nature. The Will-To-Godhood, or Tirips, within primal matter activates life, natural law, and evolution, and works along with the ups and downs of natural selection and evolution. The long-term antagonism between religion and science can this way be synchronized.

There is purpose and direction to evolution as evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood.

The Inward Path to the Father Within, celebrated in the  Christian Mass of the Sacrifice of Jesus, can be seen as one of the first bonding symbolic-experiences in the West of the real Godhood now seen as attained through material and supermaterial evolution in the Outward Path. A new superseding Mass of Joy or a Mass of Evolution could be practiced in conjunction with the traditional Mass of Sacrifice of the Inward Path.

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

How can we conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly diverse loss of homogeneity?

To pick up the theme again of how we can conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly diverse loss of homogeneity, that is, can we avoid radical revolution and yet adapt to the increasingly combative racial and cultural differences in America?

Oligarchies who affirm the Left now rule us and control our democracies, and the Ivy League schools and the Media, corrupted by the politically correctness of cultural Marxism, provide the credentials---they are the main enemy of the conservatively retaining the American union.

The rise of cultural Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values) have led to biologically and culturally diseased societies.

As I repeat here often the biological origin of social behavior evolved a human nature which has been affirmed throughout human history to this day as being universally and genetically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection followed by individual selection.

We can adapt our Constitutional separation of powers and states to a deeper sociobiological knowledge. This strongly suggests that if real kin and ethnic-centered human nature is allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.

That is how we may conservatively retain the American union.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Bringing Godhood back reformed and redefined in the Twofold Path

Of course it sounds like a big inflation or a grandiose delusion to say so, but to look into the abyss and see that the God defined in the past is not there, or is there only inwardly in the human mind, leaves humanity without real solace in the cosmos. This calls for a remedy, the healing balm of religion and art, which Nietzsche saw as the deepest origin of ancient culture. That is, it calls for revitalized religion, bringing Godhood back reformed and redefined as ascending levels of Godhood reached by way of material and supermaterial evolution. This is myth-religion-art brought forward by nature itself through human beings, to help make sense of existence, to make existence bearable and truthful.

In the Twofold Path the Inward Path is synthesized and fulfilled in the Outward Path which can heal us and create a religious, psychological and cultural wholeness. Biology, science, art and social philosophy can legitimately join religion in the goal of nature itself, which is to materially evolve to ascending levels of Godhood. We can turn our gaze away from the horrible to the sublime as ancient religions once did.

Human culture should not be asked to mutilate human nature by grafting the incongruous Inward Path of mystic religions on the deeper and far stronger Outward Path of material evolution, like putting a superficial veneer over a natural oak. We need to go back, but religiously, to our neglected deeper biological roots and give the material world a better chance to evolve to real Godhood.

We do this not by rejecting the Inward Path to the God Within, or Father Within, which is a mirror or virtual glimpse of real Godhood evolved to in the cosmos in the Outward Path. Human nature and conservative human history tell us that we need ordered evolution not radical revolution. In the Twofold Path the Inward Path is synthesized and fulfilled in the Outward Path.

Monday, April 06, 2020

Solving the age old problem of division and union in America

Our Founders tried to solve the age old problem of division and union in America. They relied on the ideas of people like Aristotle to help solve the differences between rich and poor, etc, but they missed the problems that came later from allowing unlimited and undiscriminating immigration, most likely assuming immigrants would be from Christian northern Europe. 

Hamilton thought open and free economics could help heal the divisions between rich and poor by giving everyone a chance at getting rich, and it was very successful when the culture was homogeneous, but ethnic and racial divisions later followed the unlimited and undiscriminating immigration. And the Founders also missed the social problems that would later come from allowing black slavery for economic purposes. Our inner cities eventually became filled with unassimilated blacks.

What was missing was knowledge of the biological origin of social behavior which came with Darwin, when real human nature could be seem as being genetically kin and ethnic centered, with group selection as the main unit of successful survival and reproduction. 

The decline of America culture and the American people really began to accelerate in the 1960's when several destructive things came together: postmodernism in the academic world, hedonism promoted by the Big Media, modern liberalism on the left, and libertarianism on the right, and of course continuing unlimited and undiscriminating immigration.

For example, white Minnesotan's have turned themselves inside out to accommodate non-whites. Populations of people of color have increased faster in Minnesota than the rest of the nation since 2010. The over  20,000 Somali's in Minneapolis have begun to broadcast the call to prayer over loudspeakers in their neighborhoods. There are more than 66,000 Hmong in Minnesota, the largest concentration of Hmong in America. The assimilation  of Somalis and Hmong has not taken place, and recent riots in Minneapolis have shown us that that the inner city blacks have after many years still not really assimilated.

The first person I read who had the knowledge and the self-sacrificing courage to challenge Spengler's cyclic view of history was Wilmot Robertson in "The Ethnostate.” Robertson suggested that we could halt and reverse the decline of America by transforming the socially destructive aspects of ethnic or racial competition into developing socially constructive ethnostates.  The new (yet old) solution to the division of the nation, which the liberals and cultural Marxists have willing and consciously created with the help of the media and the schools, is to form ethnostates or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. 

We will probably have to wait for future leaders to pick up what President Trump leaves undone, as he picked up what Ronald Reagan left undone. But we can continue to counter Spengler's prediction of inevitable fall by solving the age old problem of division and union in America by working toward forming an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, legally adapted from our Constitutional separation of powers and states, and then protecting the ethnostates from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism.  

I think the Founders might approve.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

What was the apostolic impulse and can we have another one?

Both Matthew and Mark reported that Jesus said: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” 

 Was such a command wildly arrogant and and unbelievably audacious? Your answer depends on what you think of Jesus Christ. 

What was the apostolic impulse of Pope Gregory to send missions to England, Germany (Boniface), Ireland (Patrick), Sweden (Anskar), Moravia? A will to truth? A will to power? The desire for more successful survival and reproduction? It depends on how you define human nature and religion: I affirm the biological origin of social behavior. 

As Richard Fletcher wrote in “The Barbarian Conversion,” the changing process by which Christianity grew first in the Mediterranean, then in the fallen Roman empire, in Europe, etc., was a brought by way of the “Roman-ness” of the Christianity of the time, that is, Roman ideas about laws, property, government, architecture, art, etc. synthesized with Christianity. 

Most of the success of the conversions seem to have come from converting the kings of warrior aristocracies, and their people then followed. For example, in 627 before King Edward of York set out on a campaign against a Saxon king he promised that if God granted him victory he would renounce the worship of idols and serve Christ, and his campaign was successful. 

Today when religion is dying and science has risen to take its place---although science hates religion so much it won't be called a religion and it won't officially offer ethical advice---people are usually doing without ethical advice, other than what they can get from the corrupt media and our decadent schools.

In advanced modern societies where survival is easier, the rise of Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values) are leading or have led to biologically and culturally diseased societies. 

I believe our future survival depends on acknowledging the biological origin of our social behavior, and my wildly arrogant and and unbelievably audacious advice is that a better more real and more natural formula for both conservatives and liberals, and lost people in general is to: follow real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior. which can then lead us to affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in politics, evolutionary realism in art, and theological materialism in religion and philosophy.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic may make us more national, far less global, more local, more kin and ethnic centered, and that's good

Elected officials, judges, unelected bureaucrats, corporate America, and especially the propaganda of the media and our schools have allowed voters in democracies very little influence over what happens to them.

But historian's speak of how severe crisis, like a financial shock or pandemics, often need to occur before the people and politicians take serious action.

The coronavirus pandemic we are going through now could bring more power to the people. A restructuring of our political system could make us, by necessity, more national, far less global, more local, more kin and ethnic centered.

We may not be ready yet, or had a big enough shock, to adapt the U.S. constitutional separation of powers and states to develop an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in America, in line with kin and ethnic centered human nature, but things seem to be slowly moving in that natural direction, here and in  Europe.

So in the midst of this terrible pandemic that is a hopeful prospect, not a dread.

Friday, April 03, 2020

Hope to those who think backward religion can be synthesized with forward science

During the period that followed the decline of the Western Roman Empire, from about the fourth to the fourteenth century, Europe accepted the Christian faith. I think the superior literacy, books, Latin language as well as Roman ideas about laws, property, government, architecture and art, which Christianity brought to pagan Europe, won the pagans over more than Christian spirituality did. And that brings hope to those who think backward religion can be synthesized with forward science. 

We have been having another gradual takeover of religion by science since the Enlightenment with a few attempts to synthesize the two by erecting science on the ruins of churches, as the Christian's had built churches on the ruins of pagan temples, but for the most part it was a slow rout by Christianity over the pagans and a slow rout by science over religion. 

As an evolutionary conservative I prefer to build on the past rather than destroy it. I did not erect theological materialism on the ruins of Christianity, as modern thinkers did with science and the humanities, I wanted to renew the building, not tear it down. This rebirth is seen in the Twofold Path, where the God-Within, the Father-Within, is seen as the first glimpse, or the mirror of the real Godhood reached through  ascending levels of material and supermaterial evolution. 

Early Nietzsche could not see his way out of the loss of both religion and science other than through the rebirth of art-myth as a guide to truth, along with creating individual great men as the goal of culture. Nietzsche thought that this loss of myth (religion) was the result of the reasoning of Socrates which supposedly destroyed myth, and also because the “historical sense” and the abstract pursuit of knowledge for knowledge sake in modern times further destroyed myth and religion. Kant helped this destruction along by showing the limits of knowledge, and Schopenhauer by adding the irrational Will as the superior force to all knowledge. 

Politically, affirming the biological origin of social behavior is also an antidote to the abstractions not only of 19th and 20th century ideologies but to conflicting claims of moral superiority. This does not lead to radical revolution as the 19th and 20th century ideologies did, and as old religions often did, it leads to better understanding the reality of human nature living and competing in the world. 

The biological origin of social behavior, and kin and ethnic centered human nature, lead naturally to regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by some sort of federalism. All groups can then get on with the natural business of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates and aiding our evolution to real Godhood.