Friday, March 01, 2019

That which must not be named: "whites"

We are barely allowed to say that the left is out to "destroy our past," we are not allowed to say the deeper truth that the left is out to destroy whites, because the left has told us by way of the Big Media, Big Tech, and our culturally Marxist universities that the "white male Euro-Christian construction" must disappear. But what really is happening is minority ethnic groups have overtaken the minds of leftist whites, radical feminists, gender-benders, etc., who are oblivious to the biological origin of our social behavior, and minority ethnic groups have made cuckolds out of all of them.

Then there are the more despicable conscious politicians like Schumer and Pelosi who are counting on the coming minority status of whites and the new majority status of minorities to keep them in power, and for that reason only, and not for moral reasons, they are sucking up to minorities, calling for open borders, unrestricted immigration, etc.

In reaction to the anarchy of the suicidal left and the will to power of ethnic minorities we now have two Americas hating each other. Euro-American's have no choice but to fight back for the survival of Western civilization and the survival of that which must not be named: whites. Trump became President because he tapped into this group.

But I believe we must eventually have a lawful, gradual, conservative transformation of the Constitutional separation of powers and states into ethnostates, in harmony with kin and ethnic centered human nature---not fascism, not empire building, just congenial ethnostates, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, a real home that every ethnic group or at least every gene-pool and the distinctive culture they create need to best survive and flourish.

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