Thursday, February 28, 2019

Universal conservatism

Conservatives are right to say that conservatism is not really universal or infallible, like the communist manifesto, and that the U.S. Constitution is not exportable, and yet they will sometimes admit, as Russell Kirk did, that there is a "universal conservatism" which is the "impulse" or "yearning" among all people to conserve their culture, history and race. But at the root of universal conservatism, or deep-conservatism as I call it, is the activation to conserve the gene pool of kin, ethnic group, and race and the cultures they develop. Even "order," which is so important to Burke and Kirk, is put in place because orderly societies are more successful in survival and reproduction than disorderly societies.

Human nature evolved to prefer kin, ethnic group, and race because those traits were more successful in survival and reproduction for individuals and groups. Even altruism, being for others, was created as the preference for kin and ethnic group and weakens as we move out toward universalism, which is the main reason why communism and globalism don't work well and tend to use force to impose unnatural altruism.

Universal conservatism or deep-conservatism instinctively and reasonably calls for ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. That is where the impulses and yearnings of human nature are most naturally directed---it could even be accomplished in an orderly and conservative way. In the U.S. with the growing variety of ethnic groups, each with different genetic pools and different agendas, we could with our Constitutional separation of powers and states legally and gradually develop an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by federalism. That would affirm a true universal conservatism or deep-conservatism in harmony with what we actually are.

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