Thursday, March 21, 2019

The film "The Favourite" disses its betters

I'm more of a regionalist than a royalist, and if Western civilization wasn't falling apart there might be time for this excellent but obscene comedic attack against 18th-century English royalty and aristocracy, but Western civilization is falling apart.

The artists in the film "The Favourite" have that odd modern talent of creating excellent acting and directing even though the themes and philosophy of their movies are degenerate, decadent, immoral and destructive. Colman deserved her Academy Award. 
I suppose this comes from being brainwashed in culturally Marxist schools, private and public, along with the malevolent culturally Marxist Media, all of whom hate old white history, all royalty, all aristocracy, all Northern Europeans, and all real Western excellence.

Joe Alwyn, who played Baron Masham in the film, said that there was little concern for historical research of characters' backgrounds: "I think people turned up to the rehearsal period thinking maybe they should've read their history books and thought about their characters and their intentions and all of that stuff that you normally think about, but Yorgos made it quite clear early on that there wasn't going to be much consideration for historical accuracy to a degree. He wasn't too caught up with or concerned about that. He just wanted us to have fun as people and as a cast and to explore the relationships between us, which is what we did."

Nothing else needs to said about this film, which disses its betters.

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