Saturday, February 09, 2019

Understanding natural law to be in harmony with it

Natural law creates order between man and nature, but this means we must know or understand natural law to be in harmony with it. Traditional religion needs deeper knowledge of the natural world, which has evolved since the time of the religious founders, and Aquinas. To be specific, we need knowledge of natural evolution and its religious implications.

Theological materialism recognizes the supreme principle of evolution in nature and the cosmos. Material/supermaterial evolution takes us to the Godhood first spoken about or symbolically experienced in the inward paths of traditional religion. Vital knowledge of the natural evolution of life to Godhood in the Outward Path is missing in traditional religions. The material/supermaterial evolution to continuing levels of Godhood transforms but does not reject the traditional involutionary Inward Path to the material soul-within of traditional religion.

Communities, ethnostates, and nations of men need to be in harmony with the natural law of the supreme principle of evolution. The key to man's downfall was moving away from the natural evolution of life toward Godhood. We can now aid our evolution toward Godhood with both religion and science.

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