Thursday, February 14, 2019

Why the Big Everythings need to be broken down

The often quoted statement that "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely" by 19th century British politician Lord Acton is an abstract statement, but beneath that abstraction is the fact that it is individual people and individual groups, often ethnic groups, who do the corrupting. Human nature remains as it has been since humans became human: kin-centered, hierarchical, ethnocentric and territorial, among other conservative traits, because that was the most successful means to survival and reproductive success.

Reality suggests that fragmentation, geographical segmentation, and differentiation are not the bad things that Big Government, Big Business, Big Media, and Big Tech tell us they are as they seek global domination. We don't want to go back to a world without automobiles, the internet, or smart phones, but these big enterprises and the people who run them have corrupted our world and need to be broken down.

Localism is not a "yoke" that "restricts" our movement and we are not "confined" by geographical or ethnic segmentation, as the Big Everythings tell us we are; our best biological and cultural survival have always taken place locally and regionally, and best in ethnostates, until the people who push Big Government, Big Business, Big Media, and Big Tech corrupt that natural localism. History has repeated this corruption by Bigness with various kinds of empires time and again.

So corrupt Big Government, Big Business, Big Media, and Big Tech need to be broken down, and will be, one way or another; but it better not be by another version of Bigness, such as big government fascism from the left or the right, but by a constitutional separation of powers and states, eventually ethnostates, protected by some version of federalism. 

This needs to be done or we may lose the whole earth.

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