Wednesday, February 06, 2019

On President Trump's SOTU speech

Watching President Trump's worthy SOTU speech we saw the usual mannerism and gestures of self-importance, overbearing pride, even blowhardism, jutting his jaw out almost as defensively as Mussolini did in his speeches. That visual display of self-importance and overbearing pride causes problems for Trump, especially among Democrats, because liberals and Democrats are shallow and immature and can't see past the outward mannerism and gestures of people and political systems.

That is why the Democrats and liberals fall so hard for shallow and immature "political correctness," which is cultural Marxism, they see only the surface trappings of human behavior, and they don't see that it is more important what one does than how we look or what we say when doing it.

With Trump in office the stock market is at an all-time high, unemployment (for all ethnic groups) is at a 16 year low, he renegotiated NAFTA and withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership keeping jobs here, he brought conservative judges to our court system, he has fought against the corrupt media, and he is bringing our military home from across the world, to name only a few of his accomplishments in a very short time.

He does make bad moves, such as continuing to support the greatest influence dealers in Washington, the Wall Street lobby, the fossil fuel lobby, and especially the Israeli and Saudi lobbies who pay off and threaten corrupt government officials and representatives to get them to take actions that are completely against the interests of our nation. And of course Trump has no understanding of the importance of affirming and adjusting to natural ethnocentrism in human survival, reproduction, and cultural creations.

Yet unlike the shallow Democrats and liberals who fall for demagogues, conservative's know that there is never a perfect man, perfect leader, or perfect system---making strenuous effort toward any goal is always necessary.

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