Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Big Media, Big Tech, and our culturally Marxist universities have become the enemy

The Big Media, Big Tech, and our culturally Marxist universities have been successfully establishing a moral and social order that is not only opposed to our history and tradition but making big profits from pornography while also heavily promoting leftist propaganda...Repeat that please so I don't have to type it again.

They have those who oppose them locked in strait-jackets of political correctness declaring them unhinged bigots and racists, and socially destroying anyone who opposes their lies.

Then if you take it as far as I and few others do and insist on the biological origin of our social behavior, which instinctively and rationally calls for ethnostates or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, you are defined as a dangerous version of crazy Don Quixote. But the reality is that rather than tilting at windmills and thinking them dragons you are tilting at real dragons which the Big Media, Big Tech, and our culturally Marxist universities insist are windmills, and punish anyone who says otherwise...These people have become the real enemy.

Then if you go even further and develop changes in traditional religion, as I do with the philosophy of theological materialism, and admit the reality of the biological origin of even our religious behavior, which points toward evolving to ascending levels of real Godhood in the material world, you lose even the paleoconservatives.

I suppose I believe that truth eventually prevails, but it's not a very secure belief...No one wise ever believed such an undertaking could be easy. I'm just whining to my friends....Wait, what friends?

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