Saturday, November 17, 2018

This corruption of democracy

In the midterm election Beto O’Rourke and Andrew Gillum were defeated, Stacey Abrams was also defeated but so far has not conceded, claiming corruption on the part of her opponent, and Gillum hasn't fully conceded either. That is not the way democracy is supposed to work.

As politically incorrect as it is to say, democracy now does not function well in the U. S. largely do to the U.S. being a multicultural-multi-ethnic society derived from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, meaning that people are not the same and not at all "equal" in the ways that they operate within a democracy.  It seems that the Northern Hemisphere was able to make democracy work, at least for a time, but not so much the Southern Hemisphere.

But hemisphere's don't rule, people do, and not all people are the same, which means that not all people are equal. For democracy to function fairly, equality must be present in the individual vote, and also, as Socrates said, perhaps only those who had thought about issues rationally and deeply should be let near a vote.

The ancient Greeks feared above all that democracy turns into demagoguery, gaining power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people, and demagoguery, aided by the Big Media, is what democracy has turned into in the U. S.

This corruption of democracy only underlines what I say here all the time, to save the U.S. we will eventually need to create an ethnopluralism of ethnostates adapted from the existing Constitutional separation of powers and states. Then people can be what they are, emotionally or rationally, in their own ethnostates and regions, protected by a light federalism.

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