Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Corrupting and repairing Nietzsche

Almost every modern philosopher runs away from connecting Nietzsche's will-to-power to biology and I think that's a mistake. The other mistake is in tying to make the will-to-power only about self-mastery, which seems to be mainly a reaction to the Nazis and World War Two.

But thinking a little deeper, when the will-to-power is connected to biology it ultimately leads to altruism, being-for-others, which is the foundation of religious ethics. Group-selection was more successful than selfish individualism in survival and reproduction and so altruism was inherited in the human gene pool and remains with us today.

The will-to-power also needs to be connected to natural evolution. Evolution and natural selection are an outside force working to adapt individual wills to power to the environment that they are trying to survive in, so the will-to-power doesn't work or shape life unhindered.

But evolution and natural selection connected to the will-to-power don't lead to imperial dominance of one group over all the others because, as we saw with Hitler, the whole world gangs up on and destroys the imperial dominance of one group over all the others. When man was still a beast that sort of imperial dominance often applied but not since the world became crowded with different ethnic groups all seeking their own ethnostates.

I go even further and change the will-to-power to the will-to-Godhood, or Tirips, which is a material activation within material life with the definite direction of evolving toward Godhood, which is the always sought-after zenith of success in survival and reproduction, but never ending, since evolution always continues on, sometimes going sideways or backward yet always upward toward the object or objects of supermaterial Godhood.

Power and happiness and even survival and reproduction then become secondary goals or reactions to the deeper primal agency or activation of material life to evolve to supermaterial Godhood, and there is no honest need to reject that definition of Godhood and religion.

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