Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Better harmonizing and sublimating real human nature and nature itself

A limitation of religious and philosophical traditions has included the near absence of the biological origin of social behavior. Psychology has done better with the sociobiological advent of evolutionary psychology, although EP has usually avoided (or the Media has ignored) the more controversial political implications of the biological origin of ethnocentrism and nationalism within real human nature.

We need to honestly affirm our biological and genetic instincts if we wish to be whole and happy. Sublimation of the instincts is desirable but our sublimation's have tended to block them. Nietzsche's will to power and Freud's will to sex needed to better affirm the group over the narcissistic individual; group selection has been the primary unit of selection in successful survival and reproductive and is at the real biological origin of the altruism (being-for-others) seen in religion and politics.

Individual selection takes place within groups and is important in attaining excellence, but groups of altruists are successful over groups of individualists, as E. O. Wilson has pointed out. So those who attack altruism and affirm selfish individualism (Nietzsche more or less, Ayn Rand, etc,) have blocked more than sublimated the biological instincts. Nietzsche didn't "anticipate" Freud's sex drive, Freud adapted Nietzsche's will to power---but then Nietzsche adapted Schopenhauer.

Beneath the power and sex drives is the survival drive, however, beneath the survival drive is the material will within life to evolve in the material world all the way to supermaterial Godhood, which must work within the ebb and flow of outside or environmental natural selection, and it is that activation which needs to be sublimated over all the others.

Sublimating the material activation to Godhood (Tirips)---which also leads to the zenith of survival and reproductive success---engenders a new religious/philosophical ("theological materialism"), psychological ("evolutionary therapy") and political (an "ethnopluralism of ethnostates") perspective that better harmonizes with and sublimates real human nature and nature itself.

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