Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The supreme principle of the evolution of life toward Godhood

Natural evolution works along with the activation from within life (Tirips) toward evolving to Godhood which also is the zenith of successful survival and reproduction. This adds a sacred goal to the theory of a random and goalless Darwinian evolution. The will to Godhood or Tirips is seen as an obstacle which both science and traditional religion oppose. So far anyone who proposes it is called a fool by science, or Satan by religionists (I have been called both).

Natural law creates order between man and nature, but this means we need to know or understand natural law to be in harmony with it. Traditional religion, but also science, need deeper knowledge of the natural world, which has advanced since the time of Aquinas, specifically, knowledge of the natural evolution toward Godhood and its religious implications.

Theological materialism recognizes the supreme principle of evolution in nature and the cosmos, which is that material evolution can take us to the object or objects of supermaterial Godhood. That is a transformation of the inward God first spoken about or identified in traditional religion.

Theological materialism adds the Evolutionary Outward Path of sacred material evolution to the traditional Involutionary Inward Path of traditional religion. This is the Twofold Path of theological materialism and the projected Theoevolutionary Church, which is a conservative transformation while keeping the best of the past.

Communities of humanity will one day be in harmony with the natural law of this supreme principle of the evolution of life toward Godhood. Man's downfall has been moving away from it or never understanding it.

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