Sunday, November 25, 2018

Americans were not asked if they wished to sacrifice their lives to globalism

Americans were not asked if they wished to sacrifice their lives to globalism, that is not the way the nefarious globalists operate. The  globalist's provided much of the money to allow foreign producers to flood the American market with very cheap products designed to ruin American producers.

Very slowly, too slowly, Americans woke up to the great globalist scam and elected Donald Trump president because he spoke the populist-nationalist language of America First against globalism. And for doing that the entire controlled Media declared that Trump and his populist followers were simply racist.

It's not at all over yet, socialism, which is just another form of globalism, is rising again against populist-nationalism, financed in part by one of the chief globalist businessman, George Soros. The socialists we see around college campuses present a loud mouth and even violent form of globalism, which the populist-nationalist's weren't prepared for.

So globalism with its various nefarious promoters rolls on, holding most of the money, endlessly seeking to destroy Trump and populist-nationalism in America---and Europe is also rising against the globalists. The Alt-Right in America entered the fray for at time and were willing to organize demonstrations against the loud mouth and violent globalists. But the Alt Right was soon more or less suppressed for joining with the West-hating Russian nationalist/imperialist Aleksandr Dugin.

Who really knows where we will go from here, but real human nature will have its way, and real human nature is on the side of the biological origin of our social behavior, which actually ends the intellectual defense of globalism. Human nature leads naturally to the cultural expression of decentralism, regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all racial and ethnic groups, protected from imperial marauders by some sort of lighter federalism. That will come I believe, one way or another.

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