Sunday, April 08, 2018

When a network is both ethnically and religiously bonded it makes the most powerful political network

Reading the Philips Jenkins review in "Chronicles" of Niall Ferguson's latest book, "The Square and the Tower," on the struggle of networks and hierarchies for global control, it got me thinking about how when a network is both ethnically and religiously bonded it makes the most powerful political network, such as the Israeli/Jewish network and the Islamic/Arab or Islamic/Iranian networks. If business and capital connections are also within these ethnic/religious networks then they have even more clout.

Ferguson suggests that there is a cyclic conflict between hierarchies (Tower) and networks (the Square) as governments and churches go from networks to hierarchies and are then challenged by new networks which eventually become hierarchies.

I see how present ethnic/religious networks are able to draw much larger less connected nations into their fierce competition due to their powerful lobbies within the larger nations, such as the U.S. supporting the Israeli/Jewish network and Russia supporting the Islamic/Iranian network. The Israeli/Jewish network and the Islamic/Arab network seem to have recently joined forces against the new upstart Islamic/Iranian network, and the U.S. and Russia have been corrupt or foolish enough to get involved their battles.

Christianity moved from its original small Jewish-oriented network into vast Western hierarchies ethnically unconnected, with new sects and new networks rising in rebellion against traditional church hierarchies until the new networks themselves became hierarchies. Powerful ethnic and religious connections have been lost in the West as cultural Marxism has made such connections socially unacceptable, leaving the West weakened to the influence of stronger ethnically/religiously connected lobbies, like the Israeli/Jewish and Islamic/Arab networks.

The Russians seem to have a better grip on their own power in their connections with the Islamic/Iranian network, perhaps because the Russians have been developing an Orthodox/Christian/Ethnic/Russian network of their own, which is the strongest kind of network, as we have seen.

Politically incorrect sociobiology really is the foundation discipline in seeing these connections.

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