Thursday, April 12, 2018

Adding evolutionary science to conservative tradition

The conservative tradition of America came from common law, the Bible, and classical tradition, but conservatives also need to keep open to new wisdom and knowledge even as they affirm the old sources of tradition.

St. Thomas Aquinas was open to the new although in his case the "new" was the discovery of old Aristotle, who was synthesized by Aquinas into Christianity, which helped save Christianity intellectually.

I think conservatives need to synthesize Darwin and the evolutionary sciences into the conservative tradition to save conservatism from obsolescence. Real human nature leads naturally to the cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by some sort of federalism. Given who we are this appears to be the best way we can optimize the gene expression we inherited from our human ancestors.

Beneath the various definitions of America as a business for profit, a mandate for everyone to be equal in all things, or a place where Christians can be Christians, is the the real biological origin of social behavior.

Darwin and the evolutionary sciences could be brought into conservatism by adapting the Constitutional separation of powers and states toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates and regions, which would allow real kin-centered and ethnocentric human nature to flourish rather than compete in the same space often with fatal social disruptions.

The addition of the evolutionary sciences into conservatism could even bring a few liberals and scientists into the conservative fold, even though many of them still object to the biological origin of social behavior preferring the fantasies of cultural Marxism, just as many conservatives still think of evolution as evil.

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