Friday, April 27, 2018

The name no one will speak in predicting the political future

More realistic conservatives, the paleoconservatives, will go only as deep as to predict a deep war between theocratic religion and postmodern atheism. The courageous Pat Buchanan will mention the pull of ethnicity but he too sees the deepest war as between religion and atheism. This misses or underplays the realism of real human nature which is deeply based in the name no-one will speak: ethnocentrism. The biological origin of our deepest social behavior includes both the movements of religion and atheism.

In every human culture ever honestly studied human nature included, among other conservative things, kin-selection preferences, incest taboos, marriage, hierarchy, division of labor, gender differentiation, localism, and most importantly group-selection or ethnocentrism as the main unit of successful selection and survival, even before individual selection. If a culture proposes to not include these basic traits of human nature the culture does not last long and it will always return to these things. These biological traits also happen to be at the core of conservatism, whereas many of these things are missing in, say, communism, modern liberalism, and post-modernism.

This strongly suggests that real human nature will lead naturally to the cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and yes, the name no one will speak: ethnocentrism, leading to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, usually protected by some sort of federalism. The constitutional separation of powers and states in the U.S. could even be adapted to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Religion will remain, and so will atheism, but the name no one will speak, ethnocentrism, leading to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, will remain. Both conservatives and liberals would do better to affirm this realism as the social force of the future, and not totalitarianism on the left or the right, or some kind of lukewarm middle ground, although these things could prolong the inevitable social behavior of real human nature.

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