Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Snobbery and the hierarchy of real human nature

Music reviewer James Tate gave an illuminating definition of snobbery as someone with imposing standards but who affects those standards for social, not aesthetic reasons.

Looking deeper though, that could suggest another kind of snobbery of affecting aesthetic standards over social standards, which get us into the debate over the place of art and social behavior in society.

In the hierarchy of real human nature I believe first comes the biological activation, and close behind that the social activation, then finally comes the activation of art and culture. That would be the order of a true snobbery, if snobbery can be true.

The conservative standard of being against ideologies could be another kind of snobbery, especially if conservatism is defined as an ideology.

I believe conservatism starts with the activation of biology, then follows with the biological origin of our social and cultural behavior, including art, philosophy and even religion which synthesizes all of them.

That is how we arrive at the moral art suggested in theological materialism, and the political suggestion for an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

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