Sunday, February 11, 2018

The #MeToo movement is throwing the gentlemen out with the harassers and forcing modern lovemaking out with the slob

The predicable reaction has been swift, corporate men have stopped traveling with women and stopped mentoring junior women. But the feminist police are already on it trying to create corporate laws that enforce one size fits all.

One of several things the feminists and leftists don't realize is that their subversion of real gender and ethnic differences is probably more decisive in the fall of nations than political challenges---Gramsci would see the #MeToo movement as the next stage in undermining and subverting the West.

The feminists are even trying to invade the Special Forces, the last able bodied men in the country, demanding that men and women are equal in fighting prowess---if only women weren't discriminated against by the patriarchy.

Western women have had more freedom than any women in the world, but they have abused their freedom. I don't want to see women treated unfairly or abused, but  I can see the Islamic fundamentalists watching this self-destruction of the West with amusement and declaring that they will inherit the West---as their smiling women serve them strong coffee and give birth to many children. 

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