Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The long-term solution to the wreckage of our culture is only beginning along the horizon

If we ask why are one out of twenty films and television shows so bad and missing talented writers, directors and actors, I think it more or less has to do with the producers preferring to help kin and ethnic group become rich and influential over more talented people. When you add the mix of distinctively different cultures and ethnic groups all competing in America and the West it becomes difficult to define "excellence" anymore. And postmodernism in the academic world steps in and teaches all college grads that, in any case, all things are relative, including truth.

Multiculturalism has led to the decline of American culture. Excellence used to be defined as "the best that has been thought and said in human history," but that was when the culture was homogeneous and mainly Northern European. That was before globalism, before mass immigration, when America was more of a republic than an empire, when we had economic and populist nationalism.

The fact is, preferring to hire your kin and ethnic group is completely natural and a big part of real human nature. That reality points not toward multiculturalism, which creates only chaos, but toward the political/cultural solution of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where different ethnic groups can politically and culturally conduct themselves according to who they actually are, in their own states or regions within our Democratic Republic, perhaps with only a few amendments to the constitutional separation of powers and states. 

This long-term solution to the wreckage of our culture is only beginning along the horizon.

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