Thursday, February 22, 2018

Real realism regarding America

"In 1776, America set off to unleash human potential by combining market economics, the rule of law, and equality of opportunity...and only 241 years later converted our original villages and prairies into $96 trillion of wealth." Warren Buffet (Time, Jan. 15 2018)

So what happened?

The genius of America worked well until all those good things were corrupted, one after the other. Market economies became global and greedy, not national, the rule of law was weakened by the steady drift toward cultural Marxism, and equal opportunity was corrupted by mass immigration and the growth of minorities who would not or could not assimilate into the mainly Northern European ethos which developed market economics, the rule of law, and equality of opportunity.

And the same thing happened in Europe at an even faster pace. The West has been descending into a chaos of ethnic conflicts.

The big question is will we fall for the totalitarian temptation and use force to create order between unassimilating people? We don't have to do that.

We can adapt the great constitutional separation of powers and states, which we already have in America (although that too has been corrupted) toward establishing an ethnopluralism of regions and states, in harmony with real human nature, which remains kin-centered and ethnocentric.

We can do this legally, without revolution, and without negatively claiming the supremacy of one group over another. We can return to the economic nationalism that made our country great, and we can allow our people to live as harmonious as is realistically possible living in their own ethnostates, protected by the rule of law, with a federalism designed mainly for protection.

How likely will we affirm this realism before we descend into chaotic civil war ending in totalitarian force on the left or the right? The flat fact is our people have been brainwashed by cultural Marxism.  So can we be optimistic?

Life itself is optimistic in every cell of the body which reaches to live, survive, and prosper. I think we will get there, one way or another, because it is real and natural behavior for human beings.

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