Friday, February 02, 2018

Non-college educated rednecks have a better grasp of reality than college-educated limousine liberals

Modern liberals think they know reality when they don't, which is why whenever they open their mouths they seem so condescendingly arrogant. Rednecks of course aren't perfect, they resent the wealthy a little too much.

This is a serious problem because modern libels marched through the institutions, as the communist Antonio Gramsci told them to do, and now they control the academic world, the Big Media, and a large part of the business world. They are the ones who want open borders with open immigration for everyone, and they are the ones who promote general cultural Marxism mixed with hedonism and immorality for popular culture, which is destroying America and the West.

It's too late to save old America, the growing mix of ethnic groups and cultures won't assimilate and naturally will aggressively or even violently compete. If we talk of taking the country back it wont be the same country we take back. The biological traits of the people create the culture more than the culture creates the people.

I believe that saving America (and the West) will mean legally adapting the constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and protecting the whole with a decentralized federalism. Not a revolution but a constitutional, legal, conservative, separation of regions and states into ethnostates---already partially existing---where real human nature, which remains kin-centered and ethnocentric, can live in relative harmony.

Of course this will not be easy but it will be better than letting the nation descend into another open civil war---which is already unofficially happening---that could then lead to totalitarianism on the left or the right, or just chaos.

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